Serag Mall – Cairo -Egypt
[email protected]                    
+20 01009366729

Graphic Design

Convey messages, evoke emotions and leave a lasting impact on your audience through your branding, marketing and communications with the 2B team

We provide creative and visual services, focusing mainly on creating visual content for both digital and print media. Our services include :

  • Visual Brand : We design logos, color schemes, and other visual elements that form the basis of brand identity
  • Web graphics : We design web elements such as icons, and images that enhance the visual appeal of websites
  • Advertising: We develop visually appealing ads for different platforms, from digital advertising etc
  • Photo editing and processing: We retouch and process images to improve their quality and ensure that they fit their intended purpose
  • User Interface Elements : We also work on specific UI elements, collaborating with UI/UX designers to ensure a consistent and visually pleasant interface.
شركة إنتاج فيديو في جدة
Graphic Design

Why are we the best?

  • We use our creative skills and programming expertise to craft visually appealing and effective design elements for various media, helping businesses and individuals communicate their messages and brand identities effectively.

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