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Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the service of creating ready-made websites and online stores in2b Cart.
and your use of it and all content https://2bcart.com These terms govern and regulate your access to our site, including, but not limited to, all pages, text, data and images as well as Tobikart products and services, whether access is direct or password-protected on site.
These Terms apply to every individual or organization, including without limitation current or potential subscribers, their employees and agents, or any visitor, browser or user of the Site in any way, whom we may refer to as ' You 'or 'User', and these terms of use of the site are part of the general terms and conditions that include TubiCart services and products and are considered a binding contract between you and us. 2b Cart. In the event of a conflict between these Terms and the General Terms and Conditions, the General Terms and Conditions shall be the reference in your relationship with2b Cart.

implicit consent

These terms govern your access or use of the site and its contents in addition to the Tobicart products and services that we offer, and these terms constitute a binding contract between you and us.2b Cart. So please read the entire terms carefully before you start using the site, because your use of the site means tacit acceptance of these terms and commitment to them without condition or modification, and that your rights regarding the site and the content are expressly and clearly granted to you only in this Terms as you:

You also represent and warrant that:

1. Accept the Terms

These Terms are the binding agreement between you and Tobicart or any of its affiliates, and your use of and access to our services whether related to hosting websites, websites, mobile applications, online stores and other services (all under the 'Service') is governed. which are made available to you by your use of our website.
When you try the Service, you will see these Terms, and by using the Service in any way, you agree and accept these Terms, our Privacy Policy, and any other legal instructions posted on the Site. If you use our Services on behalf of an organization, you agree on these Terms on behalf of this organisation, if you do not agree to these Terms or any of them, do not use the Site and the Services listed therein, otherwise, you agree to the Terms by simply clicking on the word 'I Agree' or any similar button, and such acceptance shall be deemed Your binding, handwritten signature.
up to2b Cart. You agree to receive electronic communications from Tobikart (electronic communication occurs when you visit the site or send or receive emails with 2b Cart.) You may also receive communications from sa.2bcart.com by sending notices on the Site, by sending you e-mail, or by regular mail, and in combination, you agree that all agreements, notices, policy modifications, repairs, and other electronic communications provided by you You TobiCart and meet any legal requirements These communications must be in writing, and you can send notices and alerts to TobiCart either through electronic communications or through regular mail.
In addition to the restrictions set forth above, you are prohibited from creating or otherwise using your Tobikart account or the Service if you are not 'legally' authorized to enter into contracts, meaning if you have not reached the age of majority or the age of legal liability, you may not You may create an account on TobiCart only under the supervision of one of your parents or guardians.

2. Service Description

Our service, which is linked to the web, allows users who have an account in Tobikart, after their registration, to create, update and partially control a ready-made website or online store, and once registered, any account holder can design his own website or online store, provide it with its own content (more in point 8), and any new features in the Service, including new releases, tools, and resources, are subject to these Terms.
to use this service from 2b Cart. You must be connected to the Internet, directly from your phone or through an Internet device, and therefore you must pay any fees associated with the operation of the Internet to be able to access our Services, and you must provide all equipment necessary to make such Internet connection, including That is a computer, phone, or whatever type of device through which you can surf the Internet, and the services may include certain communications from us, such as calling on your phone, advertisements that may benefit you, or administrative messages and alerts of new features, and these communications are not part of membership. 2b Cart.It is also important to know that you may access the services we provide only through our website and the interfaces that we provide to you

3. Registration

to register and have an account in 2b Cart. You must provide us with a valid email address and other personal information that is 'registration data', and during registration you must choose a password that you will be fully responsible for keeping and protecting, and for the activities that take place through your account, and therefore you are obligated to provide data Registration is true, accurate, current, and complete We may suspend, cancel, or terminate your account and refuse any current or future uses associated with you if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that the information you have provided is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, and in addition to the limitations imposed on the sale and stipulated in point No. 9 below, persons under the age of thirteen are prohibited from creating an account or using the Tobikart website and its services.to use this service from 2b Cart. You must be connected to the Internet, directly from your phone or through an Internet device, and therefore you must pay any fees associated with the operation of the Internet to be able to access our Services, and you must provide all equipment necessary to make such Internet connection, including That is a computer, phone, or whatever type of device through which you can surf the Internet, and the services may include certain communications from us, such as calling on your phone, advertisements that may benefit you, or administrative messages and alerts of new features, and these communications are not part of membership. 2b Cart.It is also important to know that you may access the services we provide only through our website and the interfaces that we provide to you

4. Privacy Policy

(https://www.2bcart.com/privacy)، Our privacy policy, which you can read here, describes how we collect, protect, and use your registration data and some other information that is important to you, so we encourage you to read the privacy policy and use the information in it to help you understand more about our protection of your data.

5. Your account and security

You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and your site or online store, and you are obligated, by virtue of the activities associated with your account, site or online store, you are obligated to immediately notify us in writing of any unauthorized uses of the account or any other breaches of security, and we will not be responsible For any loss or damage resulting from your failure to comply with this security obligation, and accordingly you agree that under no circumstances, neither Tobikart nor any of its affiliates, directors or employees shall be liable in any way for any of the Your security actions or omissions or the actions of any third party.

6. Copyright

The Tobikart website and the services listed therein are owned by a company 2b Cart. The site uses the content, features and various tools including but not limited to patented, copyright, trademark or logos owned by Tobikart or third parties not affiliated with us, and that these rights, are protected by US and international copyright, trademark rights, patents, trade secrets and (or) other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws generally, and therefore, no part of the Site or the Services may be copied, reproduced, displayed, transmitted, or used For any purpose without the prior written permission of Tobikart or the third party intellectual property right owner, or except as otherwise specifically provided herein, we reserve all rights not expressly granted in these Terms.
the Service, all confidential and proprietary software in connection with the Service, materials (as defined below), content contained in sponsor advertisements or in content provided to you through the Service or by advertisers, and all other materials and services provided by or from During 2b Cart. kart, are all protected by copyright, trademark right, trade secret, or other intellectual property laws, and you are solely responsible for ensuring that your use of these materials, including any 'professional images' or 'free images' provided with the Service, only in accordance with what reserves these rights and the laws that govern them, and that any terms or conditions apply to these materials.
By 'Materials' we mean all software, text, software documentation, designs, 'look and feel', layouts, photographs, graphics, audio, video, messages, interactive and instant messages, designs and functionality, files, documents or other material, whether publicly published or privately transmitted, derived or sculpted, so long as it is in each case available and commenced in 2b Cart.
You may use the Materials only to the extent necessary to access and use the Services in accordance with these Terms, and in the case of Materials owned by third parties and made available to you 2b Cart. , or our services, none of the terms and conditions of Tubikart allow you, in one way or another, to store, copy, reproduce, republish, modify, upload, publish, translate, erase, rent, lease, lend, Sell, distribute, transmit, transmit, display, disassemble, reverse program, reverse compile, decompile, or attempt to discover any programming code or any source code used in the Materials and Services, or distribute the Materials in any way other than as specifically permitted herein You may not sell, assign, license, grant warranty, or attempt to transfer any part of the Service or Materials or create derivative works based on or in any way commercially exploit the Service or Materials, in whole or in part, other than as permitted in these Terms, and any use the Service or the Materials for any purpose other than as specifically permitted herein or without our prior consent or the prior written consent of our licensors or advertisers.
All trademarks, service marks, logos (images and text thereof) and taglines (single or in combination) are owned by Tobikart or their respective owners except as specifically provided herein, and no license or right is granted to use any mark without the express written permission of Tobikart or the third party owner of the mark.
'Professional Images' By purchasing and/or using any 'Professional Images' made available through the Service, you agree that: (i) you will only use such 'Professional Images' on your site at 2b Cart. , for display only in digital form; (ii) you will not sell, modify, reuse, resell, distribute, display, reproduce or use these images in any way; (iii) when you display a 'professional image' individual and it is being used on a sensitive, offensive or controversial topic, you are obligated to include a explanation that the image is for illustrative purposes only and the person in it is a model or example (4) the 'right-click' function will not activate in any 'professional image' or remove any metadata in any Pro Image or perform any reverse programming, decompilation or disassembly to enable the download of Pro Image for standalone use. In addition, you may not use any Pro Image: (i) alone without any other content accompanying it; (2) for defamatory or other illegal purposes; (3) to create printed products; (4) in physical or digital retail products, such as digital cards, calendars, posters, or screensavers; (5) to enable sharing files of image file content; or (6) in logo or brand identity

7. Your Rights in Your Content

Tobikart does not claim ownership of your content, but you do give us permission to host your content in the service you have chosen and this permission exists only as long as you continue to use the service or as long as you have an account in 2b Cart.
We do not want to receive confidential or proprietary information from you via the Service or via e-mail, unless otherwise agreed in writing by an authorized representative of 2b Cart. and therefore any material, information or idea that you transmit to us by any means may be published or used by us or our affiliates for any purpose whatsoever and without compensation or liability to you, including, but not limited to, developing manufacture and market products, however, this provision does not apply to content or personal information that is subject to our Privacy Policy.

8. Content, Code of Conduct and Compliance

All information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, messages, goods, products, services or other materials (all Images Content) that you post on your Website or Online Store, is Individual property of the content owner, and you are fully responsible for all content that you upload, post, transmit or otherwise make available via your site, store or any service we make available to you. Non-personally identifiable seller or behavioral data derived from use of the Tobicart Turnkey Online Store Platform (collectively 'Platform Data'), all such platform data is owned by Tobicart and used for optimization and analytics, but you are also responsible for creating backup copies of your content.
By using the Service, you may be exposed to Content that is offensive, indecent, or objectionable, and under no circumstances will we be liable for Your Content or the Content of any third party, including, but not limited to, errors or omissions in Your Content, or any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of your use of any Content posted, transmitted or otherwise made available via the Service, you acknowledge that we do not pre-screen Content, but we will have the right (without any obligation) to refuse or transfer or delete any Content available on the Service. We also have the right to remove any Content that violates these Terms or is objectionable in our sole discretion. We invite you to evaluate and bear all risks associated with the use of any Content. You may not rely on any Content we have created in our Services. Above, you acknowledge and agree that we may retain Content and that we may disclose Content to authorities in your country if required to do so by law or in good faith that preservation and disclosure of Content may be necessary and reasonable where: (a) compliance with legal process; (b) execution Terms and Conditions; (c) respond to any claim that any Content infringes the rights of; to third parties; or (d) protect our rights and property.
The technical processing and transmission of the Service, including the Content, may include (a) transmission over various networks; (b) changes in order to adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or devices.

Obligation by the recipient of the service

Upload, post, transmit or otherwise make available any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, invasive or invasive of the privacy of others (including This is any address, email, phone number, or other contact information obtained by you that you did not obtain consent from its owner to obtain) or content that is hateful, racial, ethnic, or otherwise objectionable.
Transmitting any information regarding contractual relationships that includes inside information, confidential information, and proprietary rights disclosed as part of business relationships or under non-disclosure agreements).
infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, privacy, publicity or other proprietary rights of any party (including but not limited to music, movies, photos, e-books, or games) which do not have rights).
You may not send spam or unsolicited email, including without limitation: unethical marketing, advertising, or any other practices associated in any way with 'spam'
(a) Send a bulk email to recipients who did not request an email from you or with a fake return address.
(b) promoting a site that contains inappropriate links, titles, or descriptions.
(c) promote your Site by posting multiple identical links in public forums that contain software viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or any other computer code, files, or programs that interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of the Service or computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment, or hinder the ability of any Tobicart user to access the Service.
(d) targeting a user to get rich quick, obtaining money in exchange for browsing the site, practicing multi-level pyramid marketing, or any other suspicious actions, or harming minors in any form of such harm.
5. Stalking, bullying, or harassing any individual or entity.
6. Impersonate any person or entity, including, but not limited to, a TobiCart employee, forum administrator, guide or host or otherwise misrepresent or misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity.
7. Forge addresses or otherwise manipulate identifiers to disguise or pass content through the Service, interfere with the Service or servers or networks connected to it, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the Service.
8. If you intentionally or unintentionally violate any local, state, federal, or foreign laws or regulations, you must comply with all applicable laws regarding data transmission in the United States or the country in which you reside. If you use the Site or the Service Outside the United States, you are solely responsible for compliance with all applicable laws, including but not limited to acceptable online conduct, data privacy, and other country's export and import laws.
9. Promote or provide instructional information about illegal activities, encourage physical harm or retaliation against any group or individual, or promote any form of animal abuse, which may include, but is not limited to, providing Guidance relating to the collection of bombs, grenades, and other weapons or incendiary materials.
10. Use the Service as a means of redirecting to another website to manipulate rankings on Google, or any form of search engine optimization, or to increase traffic on Facebook or other social media or automated likes and automated voting sites.
11. Harvest passwords or personal information of a third party for illegal, fraudulent or phishing purposes.
12. Go beyond the scope of the Service for which you registered, such as by accessing and using tools that you do not have the right to use, or deleting, adding, or changing comments or other User Content.
13.Include more than three ad units per page, or any ad that significantly limits the usability of the site.
14. Uploading files is for the sole purpose of hosting them by us and for use on a website created through the Service (designed in the TobiCart website and store building platform 'Editor').
15. Create a website that is detrimental to the user experience by using custom programming, for example, but not limited to, hyper-blinking sections, excessive traffic in sections of websites, or content that may trigger seizures or unrest in some visitors.
16. Use, under no circumstances, of any open source software subject to the GNU Affero Public License.
17. Misuse of customer support email, chat, phone services, or agents.
18. Carry out any other conduct or conduct that is detrimental to the Service or impairs Tobikart's reputation, as determined by Tobikart and at its sole discretion.
We reserve the right to suspend and close any account or user who has violated any of the above prohibitions.

9. Selling through Tobikart

Some of our services and materials allow you to sell or buy products and services through websites hosted and designed by us 2b Cart. And we affirm that we are, only, a platform for buyers and sellers to conduct transactions for these commercial products and services, and to sell through 2b Cart. You must be 15 years of age or older, or at least have reached the age of majority in the country in which you will use our Site and Services
In order to use our services, you must provide your full and correct legal name, current address, valid email address, and any other information we request, and in the event of a dispute regarding account ownership, we reserve the right to request documentation to identify and confirm your ownership of the account, and such documentation may include, at For example, but not limited to, scanned documents of activity license, government-issued identity card, last four digits of credit card, and other required data.
When customers purchase your products and services, we will process payments via a third-party payment service provider, and buyers will be provided with a notification when they enter their payment information to direct them to the third-party payment service provider's terms of service and privacy policy, only those payment services are subject to In accordance with the terms of service and privacy policy of the third-party provider, and we are not responsible for the actions of the third-party service providers, in addition, there are other rules and requirements described in these terms below that you must follow when offering, selling and buying products:
You cannot display a product or service if:
•If a service is illegal or suspected to be illegal, including counterfeit, stolen, or fraudulent products, and commercial products sold using our services must comply with and respect all applicable laws in your country, including commercial products Sold to individuals outside the United States.
•If the products infringe on the intellectual property rights or privacy of others, or those that may be defamatory, defamatory, or defamatory of others.
•If we see, determine and describe such products as clearly and explicitly inappropriate, offensive, pornographic, violent or sexual.
•Weapons are manufactured or intended to be used as weapons, including firearms or devices and ammunition, and we reserve the right to determine whether or not these products are used or will be used in the arms trade.
Using pictures or names of any third party (including celebrities) when offering or selling commercial products without the permission of that third party.

10. Fees/Payment

You may agree to a recurring contract with Tobikart, which will automatically renew on an annual basis. Certain other features of the Service may require payment of a fee, as indicated for each Service on the Site (the 'Prices'). If you register for these You must pay all feature fees to enjoy them, and we have the right, at any time, to re-price our services or bundle certain portions of the service for pricing, and we have the right to make any inquiries reasonably necessary to verify your account and financial information.
All fees are in US dollars and do not include taxes or other fees that may be imposed by the tax authorities in your country, and you will be responsible for their payment. store your payment card information and authorize us to charge you (a) for services you may purchase and (b) any applicable taxes in connection with your use of the payment card services you provide, and you are obligated to reimburse us for any costs associated with collecting any overdue amounts, including any interest and if the payment card you provided expires and you do not provide new payment card information or cancel your account, you authorize us to continue billing you and you will remain liable for any charges we did not collect.
At the end of the contract term, your contract will automatically renew for an additional contract with a new term, until you expressly inform us that you wish to cancel the contract, and fees will be charged in the manner you prefer, and you may stop the automatic renewal feature of your existing contract at any time, by sending Cancellation requests by contacting us via or by calling our help center www.2bcart.com at any time.

11. Cancellations and Changes to the Service

If you or request to cancel the service, it will be canceled immediately, and after cancellation, you will not be able to access your website or store and we may delete all the information on your website, without having any responsibility for this information or deleted content.
As long as we continue to provide the service, we will seek to develop, update, expand and improve it, but we are committed to your access to the service as it is and is available on any day and we have no other obligations, except as stipulated in these terms, and we may make certain modifications (for example Change data storage capacity), replace, deny access to, suspend or discontinue the Service in part or in whole, or change and modify prices for all of our services that we offer at our sole discretion, and all such changes will be effective upon posting on our site or by contacting you directly unless otherwise indicated We also reserve the right to block, remove or discard any content available as part of your account, with or without notice to you, if we consider it, in our sole discretion, to be in violation of these Terms.
For the avoidance of doubt, we have no obligation to store or keep a copy of any content provided by you, or any other customer of ours, when using the Service, and we also reserve the right to limit or discontinue phone or chat support for you if you are making use of the Service. customers in a way that is inappropriate, inappropriate or affects our ability to provide support to other customers (in our sole discretion).

12. Refund Policy

All paid TobiCart subscriptions include the possibility of a 30-day refund, if you are not satisfied with the service for any reason, and you can also get a full or partial refund if you cancel your subscription within 30 days of its first activation. once, or within 30 days of contract renewal, and partial refunds will be made if you take the free domain name, where we will determine the partial refund amount at our sole discretion, for a refund, please submit your refund requests to us at our website under: Refund Request. https://2bcart.com to us on our site


TubiCart shall not be liable in any way for any loss or damage incurred by you as a result of your use of third-party service, software, products or websites, including but not limited to any content related thereto, of text, documents, photos, designs, videos, artwork, graphics, audio or video files, regular, interactive or instant messages, posts, posts, files or other materials (often collectively referred to as 'Party Materials'). iii') Whether or not you are linked to or directed to any Third-Party Materials through the Site or the Service, Tobicart does not agree, endorse, or take responsibility for any Third-Party Materials, and makes no warranty as to the reliability, accuracy, nature, or The authenticity, quality, or use of Third-Party Materials, and you are solely responsible for ensuring that your use of any Third-Party Materials, including that made available to you via our Site or Service, is only in compliance with all applicable laws, and any applicable terms and conditions, licenses, or other agreements. , because Tobikart will not be responsible in any way towards you or any other third party for your use or alleged use of any Third Party Materials.
Furthermore, Third Party Materials, such as email, e-commerce related matters and payment services including but not limited to PayPal services and Stripe payment options, may be subject to terms of use and policies Privacy applicable to the third party, and you are solely responsible for reviewing, ensuring that they are not violated, agreeing with them, and complying with them before using the third party materials, and such use is at your own discretion and risk, if you do not agree to the terms of service or privacy policy of the third party do not By downloading or using its materials, and if you use them, you know that your use does not transfer to you ownership of them or any rights to or other than in the terms of the Terms of Service or the Usage and Privacy Policy, and any reference on the site to any third-party materials does not imply approval or endorsement by us on these Third Party Materials.
Third Party Payment Processors
TubiCart uses various payment processing methods, which are third-party methods and third parties that help us process personal payment information completely securely, and the use of payment processing methods for your personal information is subject to their privacy policies, which may or may not contain policies to protect privacy Such as in TobiCart, currently, payments are currently processed and managed using the third parties below, and we will inform you of the payment processors used when processing your payment.

14. Pre-designs (themes)

If you choose, you may contribute custom theme designs for use by other people via our Service, and you hereby grant and agree to grant us an exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free right and license to use, copy, modify, and create derivative works from any custom themes you contribute contained in the Service, including HTML hypertext markup and associated media.

15. Designer Platform Terms

If you use our designer platform to design websites for third parties 'your clients', your use of the Service will be subject to these Terms:
1. Your relationship with your customer is a private and exclusive relationship between you and the customer. We will not be a party to any agreement you have with your customer, and the manner and means you choose to perform your services to him are subject to your sole discretion; however, you agree to perform these services in in a timely and professional manner, in accordance with professional practices and in compliance with these Terms.
2. You accept full responsibility for the sites of your customers who are within your account and you are committed to the compliance of each of the customer's sites with these terms.
3.While we intend to allow you to resell the Service under a private framework, such private framework is in no way guaranteed and we will not be liable for any failure to maintain such framework.
4. If your customer contacts us, we will direct them to contact you, and if you fail to support your customer and we receive a request from your customer that you have not responded, we reserve the right to support your customer directly.
5. Payments for your use of the Designers Platform service are calculated on a per-website basis, in your account on a monthly or yearly basis via the credit card registered with TobiCart as soon as your clients' accounts are published with us.
6. The service fee is pre-calculated, i.e. before entering the new term, based on the total service fee for all your customers' locations.
7. No refunds will be given for any remaining days in your current billing cycle.
8. You understand and agree that you, as an account holder, are ultimately responsible for payment for each customer website under your account, and if payment is not timely honored, we will have the right to disable the customer website until the obligations are fulfilled Payment of fees.

16. Resale of the Service

By using the Service, you warrant that you will not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any portion of the Service without our express written permission, which may be in the form of a separate written agreement with 2b Cart.
In the event that designers use TobyCart to design a third party website, such use is permitted, only under the Terms of Use 2b Cart. And if you create a site for a client on 2b Cart. Each customer must have his own account, and you should not collect all customer accounts into one account that you control and that belongs to you.

17. Domain Name Registration and Cancellation

For domain name registration services provided to you directly by Tobikart, these are the terms and conditions that apply: Completely New Online or renewing your existing domain name, on your behalf, and when purchasing and/or maintaining your domain, TopiCart will act solely as an agent between you and the domain name services provider that will be responsible for domain name assignment and registration, in which case We inform you that we will be using the site https://www.resellerclub.com/ and therefore, all completely new or already existing domain names will be subject to the terms and conditions of the site located at: https://www.resellerclub.com/legal-agreements and Tobikart reserves the right to use different domain name service provider at any time in which case the terms and conditions of that service provider shall apply
Tobikart may provide one free domain name for up to one year only, and with a new purchase of an annual subscription plan, your domain will be included for the duration of the subscription to the Tobikart account, and you will be able to register the domain in your name and it will be yours to keep, as long as You pay the applicable registration fee after the first year, and the free domain name only applies to certain top-level domains (such as .com, .net, .org) when you sign up for a new plan.
You are responsible for providing correct and complete data regarding the 'registrant' domain name holder and administrative contact information when registering the domain name. Responsibility for verifying that the domain name does not infringe the rights of any third party or contravene any applicable law, rule or regulation, We may delay activation of the domain name until the agreed fees for registration services have been received and paid.
Tobikart is not in a position to influence the assignment of the domain name by the registrar, and we cannot guarantee that the requested domain names will be assigned to you and/or that such assigned domain names will be free from the rights of any third party nor guarantee that they will continue to exist if Any party's rights have been infringed, so any information we provide regarding domain name availability is based on data provided by third parties and is only relevant to the time such information is requested, and the domain will not be considered as assigned before the domain is registered in your name, and entered into the registrar's database.
The initial registration term for purchased domains may vary and this registration will automatically renew for consecutive periods of 12 months, and you will be charged for automatic renewal forty-five (45) days before your domain expires (even if that date is different from your subscription renewal date In TubiCart packages) You can, of course, opt out of auto-renewal by turning off the auto-renewal option in your settings at any time prior to activating auto-renewal, and every domain name purchased will be registered in your name and will be yours to keep, as long as you pay the required fee, as permitted. You have the right and ownership of your domain name to transfer a purchased domain to another domain service provider; however, you will not be able to refund registration fees paid at Tobicart for transferred domains regardless of the identity of the registrant or any other contact information in your domain name records, Any domain name registered via TobiCart and using a TobiCart account is covered by these terms.
Maintaining accurate and current billing information is a mandatory condition for maintaining your account, and this data must include the full and real name of the registrant, a valid email address (as email or anonymous addresses will not count), and a valid phone number, if this changes information, you must promptly notify us of such change by notifying us for updates online, and please note that if your billing information, including your current credit card information, is not up to date, we will not renew your domain services and they may expire later.
Subject to these terms and those of the registrar, you may transfer all domain names registered through us to another domain name service provider by following the online instructions provided by Tobikart, if we cannot, due to a problem on your part or on the part of the account holder or provider New domain name service, from transferring the domain to the service provider you want We expressly reserve the right to delete the domain name that has been canceled by the relevant domain name service provider after the date of cancellation has passed, and we reserve the right to allow the transfer of the domain only if you settle all outstanding claims other than disputed with us.
It may not always be possible to recover a domain name after it expires, and TobiCart has the sole discretion and discretion when a domain name can be renewed after expiration and what fees will apply, if you lose a domain name due to non-payment , TobiCart will have the right, in its sole discretion, to: (a) register and use the domain name as it is for its intended purpose, (b) sell or transfer the domain name to a third party; or (c) delete the domain name and allow any new registrant anywhere further, you agree that TobiCart may charge the credit card you have on file with TobiCart to recover any amounts owed on your account.
In certain cases, domain name registrations may become the subject of a legal challenge. If Tubikart becomes a party to any legal dispute arising out of your domain name registrations, you agree to be responsible for all costs of legal fees and any compensation for Tubi If we are notified of a complaint or proceeding with a judicial or administrative body regarding your domain name, we may at our discretion: (a) suspend your ability to use, modify, or transfer your registration records; .
You must notify us immediately if you lose the rights to the domain name registered with TobiCart on your behalf.All fees are in US dollars and do not include taxes or other fees that may be imposed by the tax authorities in your country, and you will be responsible for their payment. store your payment card information and authorize us to charge you (a) for services you may purchase and (b) any applicable taxes in connection with your use of the payment card services you provide, and you are obligated to reimburse us for any costs associated with collecting any overdue amounts, including any interest and if the payment card you provided expires and you do not provide new payment card information or cancel your account, you authorize us to continue billing you and you will remain liable for any charges we did not collect.
At the end of the contract term, your contract will automatically renew for an additional contract with a new term, until you expressly inform us that you wish to cancel the contract, and fees will be charged in the manner you prefer, and you may stop the automatic renewal feature of your existing contract at any time, by sending Cancellation requests by contacting us via or by calling our help center www.2bcart.com at any time.

18. Compensation

You are required to indemnify Tobikart and its affiliated companies or its licensors or their officers, directors, agents, employees, partners, successors and assigns (together the 'Indemnifying Parties') against all liability, loss, claims, damages or Expenses, costs or demands, (including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees), incurred or made against the indemnified parties by any third party in connection with any claims arising out of or related to: (a) your (or any other person's) use of ) for your account or account and use of the Service, Site or various materials, (b) your content, (c) any commercial products you offer on or through Tobicart or using our services, (d) your use of your domain, this includes, but not limited to WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY BREACH OR VIOLATION OF THESE TERMS BY YOU OR ANY PERSON USING AN ACCOUNT, AND YOU WILL COMPLETELY, AT YOUR OWN EXPENCE AS REQUIRED BY THE INVESTIGATED PARTY, AND EVERY INVOLVED PARTY MAY ASSESS THE DEFENSE AND CONTROL OF ANY MATTERS FOR INFORMED HEREBY This Agreement, and you may not settle any matter relating to it by a compensating party without the consent of the compensating party itself.


a. Your use of the Service is at your sole risk, and we provide the Service 'as is' or 'as available', but we expressly disclaim any warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, including, without limitation, including, but not limited to, the warranties of merchantability and non-infringement for any purpose.
b. We are not responsible for any damage or loss of data, customer or vendor information, revenue, or other harm to business arising from delays, misdelivery, non-delivery of information, limitations, malfunction or other errors, or Problems resulting from unauthorized use as a result of sharing the login information with other people who have access to the service, or any other impact on the service, and you are responsible for keeping a backup copy of your data and information that may be in the service because Tobikart does not guarantee you this:
1. That the service will meet your requirements.
2. that the Service will be uninterrupted, prompt, secure, or error-free.
3. that the results that may be obtained from your use of the Service will be accurate or reliable.
4. The quality of any products, services, information or other material purchased or obtained by you through the Service will meet your expectations.
5. Any error in the service will be corrected.
6. Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Service is at your own risk and you are solely responsible for any damage to your device system or loss of any data as a result of such downloading.
7. The data, information and contents available in connection with the service are not intended to be a substitute for knowledge, experience, skill, tax provisions, or consulting legal lawyers and others in all different professions, and the service is not supposed to provide tax or legal advice, and you are solely responsible for This advice is not obtained, but we encourage you to obtain it prior to and in parallel with using our Service.
8. These Terms apply to the Service only, as part of the Services that are provided to Novice Users, because we host certain third-party websites. The Third-Party Sites include content created by third parties and are not under the management and control of Tubikart, and will not be a platform Tubikart is responsible for these third party websites, including without limitation, the accuracy, suitability, correctness, reliability, clarity, completeness, any link included, or any updates or changes, and your access or use of any third party website is subject to the Terms applicable to this third-party site, and Tubikart's hosting of any third-party sites does not imply that we endorse the content of that service provider.
9. Neither Tubikart nor any third party service providers, partners or affiliates represent or warrant that the Site, its servers, materials, service or any e-mail sent from the Site or any of its third party service providers or partners or affiliates, we do not guarantee that it is free from other harmful components.
10. Neither Tobikart nor its licensors make any warranty or representation that the Services, Materials, or Site are appropriate or available for use in all geographic locations.

20. Limitation of Liability

To the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable to you or anyone else for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including without limitation, loss of profit damages. , good faith, use, data or any other unexpected losses (even if Tobikart has been advised of the possibility of such damages), resulting from:
1. The use or inability to use the service.
2. The cost of purchasing alternative goods and services resulting from any goods, data, information, or services purchased or obtained, or incoming messages or transactions entered into through the service.
3.Unauthorized access to or alteration of your messages and data.
4. statements or conduct of any third party in connection with the Service.
5.Any other matter related to the service.
In the event of any problem with the Site, the Service or the Materials, your sole and exclusive remedy, as permitted by applicable law, is to stop using the Site, the Service and the Materials, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, and Tobikart shall not be liable OR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES OR LICENSORS, ARE IN NO EVENT LIABLE FOR YOUR MISUSE OF THE SITE, THE SERVICE, THE MATERIALS, YOUR CONTENT, COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS OR OTHER PARTS AVAILABLE ON OR THROUGH THE SITE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT ANY including without limitation, any error or omission, infringement of the intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties, or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of the Site, the Service, your materials, your content, commercial products, or any user-generated content of a third party. external and is available on or through the Site.All fees are in US dollars and do not include taxes or other fees that may be imposed by the tax authorities in your country, and you will be responsible for their payment. store your payment card information and authorize us to charge you (a) for services you may purchase and (b) any applicable taxes in connection with your use of the payment card services you provide, and you are obligated to reimburse us for any costs associated with collecting any overdue amounts, including any interest and if the payment card you provided expires and you do not provide new payment card information or cancel your account, you authorize us to continue billing you and you will remain liable for any charges we did not collect.
At the end of the contract term, your contract will automatically renew for an additional contract with a new term, until you expressly inform us that you wish to cancel the contract, and fees will be charged in the manner you prefer, and you may stop the automatic renewal feature of your existing contract at any time, by sending Cancellation requests by contacting us via or by calling our help center www.2bcart.com at any time.


You may agree to a recurring contract with Tobikart, which will automatically renew on an annual basis. Certain other features of the Service may require payment of a fee, as indicated for each Service on the Site (the 'Prices'). If you register for these You must pay all feature fees to enjoy them, and we have the right, at any time, to re-price our services or bundle certain portions of the service for pricing, and we have the right to make any inquiries reasonably necessary to verify your account and financial information.
All fees are in US dollars and do not include taxes or other fees that may be imposed by the tax authorities in your country, and you will be responsible for their payment. store your payment card information and authorize us to charge you (a) for services you may purchase and (b) any applicable taxes in connection with your use of the payment card services you provide, and you are obligated to reimburse us for any costs associated with collecting any overdue amounts, including any interest and if the payment card you provided expires and you do not provide new payment card information or cancel your account, you authorize us to continue billing you and you will remain liable for any charges we did not collect.
At the end of the contract term, your contract will automatically renew for an additional contract with a new term, until you expressly inform us that you wish to cancel the contract, and fees will be charged in the manner you prefer, and you may stop the automatic renewal feature of your existing contract at any time, by sending Cancellation requests by contacting us via or by calling our help center www.2bcart.com at any time.

22- Litigation, Disputes, and Disclaimers

We welcome to deal with your concerns or problems before filing a claim against Tobikart by communicating via e-mail https://2bcart.com By completing the contact form on our website, we will contact you to resolve the dispute formally, as you can start resolving the dispute through official means within 30 days of submitting the request if the problem is not resolved.
You may only resolve disputes with us individually, and you commit not to bring a lawsuit as a civil plaintiff or class member of a class, consolidated, or representative action (eg, class action, class arbitration, attorney attorney) private or public defender with other arbitrators).
Any claim relating to these Terms not resolved through informal channels, or as set forth above and below, shall be settled in accordance with the AAA's Commercial Arbitration Rules by three arbitrators appointed pursuant to AAA's Rules, and shall be The arbitration takes place in Miami, Florida, and in the English language, and the arbitral award can be enforced in any court, and the party with the right and judgment in accordance with these terms shall be entitled to obtain attorneys’ costs and fees, and if any part of these conditions is deemed invalid or unenforceable, it will be This part shall be construed as reflecting the original intent of the parties.
Either party may bring a lawsuit solely for the sake of deterrent equity to stop unauthorized use or misuse of the Service, or to establish intellectual property rights (for example, copyright, trademark, trade secret, or patent) Without first engaging in an informal dispute resolution process or through arbitration, if this arbitration agreement does not apply to you or your Claim, any proceeding will be brought in the federal or Miami-Dade County, Florida courts, and you agree that you will submit to the jurisdiction of courts in Miami, Florida, without regard to any law or order to the contrary.

23- General Provisions

We may provide notices to you either by email or regular mail, and the Service may also provide notices of changes to these Terms or other matters by displaying notices or links to notices to you generally on the Service, and these Terms and the relationship between you And between Tobikart and the laws of the State of Florida regardless of its conflict of law provisions or not, you agree that you and Tobikart will submit in the event of a dispute to the competent, personal and exclusive jurisdiction, in courts located in Miami, Florida, and the failure of Tobikart to enforce any right or provision of these Terms is a waiver of such right or provision.
These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and Tobikart that governs your use of the Website and the Service and supersedes any prior agreements (including, but not limited to, any prior versions of these Terms), and may also be subject to additional terms and conditions that may apply when you use our Services, Other Services, Third Party Content, or Third Party Software, and if any provision of these Terms or the incorporated Documents is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or effective, the parties jointly agree that the court shall endeavor to give effect to the parties' intentions as set forth in the provisions of these Terms in full force and effect, and you agree that notwithstanding any statute or law to the contrary, any claim brought by you in connection with the Service and your use thereof, will be brought within one (1) year after the appearance of this allegation.

24- Violations

Please visit our abuse page to report any violations of these Terms that you see.